Will the first co-partenting child be born in Barcelona?

28 Sep · Co-parenting, Opinion



In a few words, the answer is that the news is false, since there are already girls and boys born by this method both in Barcelona and in the rest of Spain. The same media have already talked about them. Surely the journalists have been carried away by the emotion and joy in this case.

Co-parenting is a concept that has gained relevance in recent years, but is still relatively unknown to many people. It is a way of creating a team family, in which two or more people decide to raise a child together, without necessarily having a couple bond. This family model is based on a solid commitment and a legal co-parenting agreement, which defines the responsibilities and rights of each of the co-parenting parents.

Co-parenting offers an alternative to traditional family structures and can be an attractive option for those who wish to be parents but do not necessarily wish to be in a romantic relationship. This form of collaborative parenting allows the burden of parenting to be shared, providing greater emotional and logistical support for the child.

It is important to note that co-parenting is a conscious choice and involves a lasting commitment. Co-parenting parents must establish clear agreements about the child's education, medical care, parenting and other aspects of the child's life. In addition, the legal process of co-parenting can vary by jurisdiction and it is critical to seek legal advice to ensure that everything is in order.

If you are interested in exploring the option of co-parenting, we invite you to join Copaping.com. Here you can connect with other like-minded people who also want to start a family this way. You'll find the support of a community, share experiences and, who knows, maybe find your future co-parenting partners.
