Why be a surrogate mother? motivations

17 Oct · General


Being parents is the dream of many people. However, for many people this process can be slow or even impossible. For LGTBIAQ+ people, single men or those with fertility problems, this dream becomes a nightmare. Surrogacy (also wrongly called 'surrogacy') in these situations is one of the most effective solutions, since it allows these couples to have a baby biologically.

It is logical, then, to understand that a couple go to a surrogate in countries where it is regulated and has a legal framework that authorizes it. Instead, why do women consider being so? What motivates you to carry another couple's baby for nine months and then not be with him?

Enjoy pregnancy

On many occasions, these pregnant mothers have already had their own children before. Therefore, they know how the pregnancy feels for them, the complications they have had, the facilities, the cravings. So they can get an idea and minimally ensure that the process will be rewarding. These types of women who offer to gestate another family's baby enjoy being pregnant and the process is quick and easy for them. Watching the baby grow inside her and give life to another human being is a source of immense joy and achievement.


The main motive of many women, which leads them to gestate someone else's child, is simply the desire to help those who cannot have their own family. As mentioned before, heterosexual couples with fertility problems, homosexual couples, etc. These women feel compassion for the other person and want to help them.

In order to become a surrogate surrogate mother, there are many requirements: being of a certain age, being in good health in all senses, and many more. Therefore, these women understand in such a way the situation of these people and how devastating it is to be sterile or unable to conceive, that they make sure they meet all the requirements to help. They understand and empathize with the strong desire of these couples to become parents and offer to help them start a family.

The financial compensation

Being a pregnant mother is not something new. It has been around for thousands of years. It is common to believe that mothers offer to do so simply for the money they receive in return. The truth is that this depends a lot on the mother and her situation. What is clear is that not all of them do it exclusively for it, and that no sum in the world compensates exposing your body so that someone else's child can grow. Undoubtedly, there are more reasons.

There is no doubt that financial compensation is something to consider, and that it helps anyone in need. But it is also true that it is not usually the only reason that prompts them to do so.

Women who are surrogates often have other reasons for doing so. In many situations, women undergo the process solely to help a friend or family member, to defend the LGTBIAQ+ collective, without receiving anything in return. In addition, the income they receive must cover all the doctors, medicines and needs that the woman needs during the pregnancy. Thus, the earnings are not exclusively for the enjoyment of the mother.

In this Copaping article we have only discussed 2 or 3 reasons why surrogate mothers emerge in this world. But it is true that the reasons to do so are as many as women are willing to do so. Each woman has her own personal motivation, which makes them help many couples. And thanks to them, they fulfill their dream of being parents.
