Polyamory and co-parenting, the perfect solution

28 Sep · Co-parenting


Having children in polyamory can seem difficult, even overwhelming. However, co-parenting is a solution that you should consider to eliminate all those taboos. It can help you have descendants without giving up everything else. In this article, we give you some reasons to value this possibility.

How to have children in polyamory

Leaving aside one of your partners in the process of raising a son or a daughter can lead to confrontations and misunderstandings. To avoid the problems of having a child in polyamory, co-parenting is something you should explore, since it will have multiple benefits for you and your partners as well as for your future baby.

However, it is essential that you look for a father or a mother who understands your situation and knows from the outset what your relationship as parents will be like. The most important thing is that the other person respects your lifestyle. Here's why it's so important.

Dedicate time to each

You and your lovers will want to continue enjoying personal privacy when the baby arrives. With co-parenting, this won't be a problem. The days in which you must take care of your son or daughter will be dedicated exclusively. However, while the other parent is in charge of doing the same, you will have enough time to enjoy the company of your partners. It only requires that you organize yourself and keep in mind the needs of all those involved. Thus, it will be easier for you to have children in polyamory.

Your baby will grow in a healthy environment

Separating the life of your offspring or offspring from your romantic relationships will allow them to grow up in a calm and welcoming home. This is essential to have children in polyamory. She will have two parents focused on her education and well-being who will care for her throughout her childhood and adolescence, regardless of their relationship with each other.

This is very positive for her to develop her own personality. Once she gets older and has a better understanding of herself and your environment, it will be easier for you to offer more details about your love life.

Having children in polyamory is a real possibility. Your lifestyle does not have to be at odds with enjoying parenthood or motherhood. The birth of a baby is a unique experience that you have every right to live. You just have to consider the needs of everyone involved so that the development of your son or daughter is not harmed. After all, it will be the most important thing in your life as soon as you see her eyes for the first time.
