How to have a good relationship with your compadre

18 Jul · Co-parenting, General


Having an adequate co-parental relationship is the main key for your common child to grow up in a happy environment. But, how to get along and put aside the conflicts that may arise in upbringing? In this article we explain it to you.

A conflict-free co-parenting relationship

As with any example where two adults have to agree, communication is essential to avoid conflicts, anger and recriminations. In addition to being parents, each of you will have some stressful moments due to work, family or any event that brings a bad mood. For this reason, it is sometimes difficult to always maintain harmony in a relationship, regardless of whether it is a couple, co-parent or friends, among other cases.

However, solving this handicap is possible. For this, you will only need good will and, above all, understanding. Whether your co-parent has become a friend or not, there are plenty of reasons to walk away from arguments. Keep in mind that the most important thing about striving to create an adequate co-parenting relationship is that your child sees in you two people who understand and respect each other above all else.

Tips for creating an exemplary communication thread between you and your co-father

The objective of the advice that we are going to offer you is to ensure that the well-being of your child is always on the rise. Remember that both you and your co-father must do your part to carry them out:

  • Communication is paramount. Even if you each live in her house and you don't see each other every day, you should keep in touch to inform each other about your son's daily life. Only then will you both be equally involved in parenting.
  • Agree on the rules together so they are the same when your child is with you or your co-parent. For example, bedtime or screen time (tablet, TV, etc).
  • When there is an issue on which you do not agree, try to manage your differences and points of view with education and, above all, by talking and never shouting. To achieve this, always put yourself in the shoes of your co-father. This will make it easier for you to analyze the situation calmly. Empathy is always key.
  • Flexibility is crucial to avoid arguments in the coparental relationship. If, for example, one day your co-father tells you that he wants to take your son to see a football match, even though it is your turn to be with him, it may be an opportunity to give in and feed a virtuous circle of positivity.
  • Doing things together, like having dinner together at Christmas or visiting a museum any Saturday afternoon, is always positive if you have managed to build a healthy relationship.

In any case, we hope that with the guidelines offered above, the coparental relationship with the father or mother of your child will be consolidated. With good understanding and willingness to help you, you will all benefit.
