We tell you more about sperm banks in Spain and Latin America


In Spain, there are several sperm banks that offer sperm donation and storage services. These banks are usually affiliated with hospitals or clinics and are regulated by Spanish law. As for Latin America, there are also sperm banks in countries like Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. However, the availability and access to these services may vary between countries and regions.

Who can receive treatment and how much does it cost?

In Spain, access to assisted reproduction treatments, including sperm donation, is regulated by Spanish law and may vary between autonomous communities. In general, couples, co-parents and single people can access these treatments, regardless of their sexual orientation. However, some clinics may have additional requirements, such as a minimum age or a minimum number of previous attempts at natural conception.

In terms of cost, assisted reproductive treatments can be quite expensive and are not always covered by health insurance. The exact cost may vary depending on the clinic, the specific treatment, and the autonomous community in which the clinic is located. Thereafter, the treatment itself can cost from €900 to €1,700, or more. However, in some autonomous communities there are public programs to help cover the costs. It is recommended to research the options and ask the clinics directly to get a more accurate idea of the cost.

Who are the donors and how much are they paid?

Sperm donors are men who have decided to provide their sperm to help individuals or couples who want to have a child. Donors can be anonymous or non-anonymous, and are typically selected based on a number of criteria, including health, age, and physical appearance.

In Spain, sperm donors receive remuneration for their time and effort, but this remuneration is not intended to be a financial incentive. The amount paid varies between centers and autonomous communities, but usually ranges between 30 and 50 euros for each donation, and may vary depending on the costs of the clinic. However, it is important to note that sperm donation should not be seen as a way to earn money, as donors must meet certain medical and psychological requirements before being accepted.

What must be done to receive treatment?

To receive assisted reproduction treatment with sperm donation in Spain, there is a general process that must be followed:

  1. Consultation: The first stage is to go to an assisted reproduction clinic for an initial consultation, where treatment options will be discussed and the patient's suitability for treatment will be assessed.
  2. Medical tests: If it is decided to continue with the treatment, medical tests will be carried out to evaluate the health of the patient and determine the best treatment for him or her.
  3. Donor Selection: Once the results of the medical tests have been received, a suitable sperm donor will be selected. In some cases, the patient can choose the donor, while in other cases, the clinic will select the donor based on medical criteria.
  4. Treatment: After the selection of the donor, the treatment will be carried out. This may include artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization, depending on the needs of the patient.
  5. Follow-up: Once treatment has been completed, regular follow-ups will be done to assess progress and determine if any further treatment is required.

It is important to note that the process may vary between clinics and autonomous communities, and that it is recommended to investigate the options and ask the clinics directly for more information. Stay up to date with Copping blog articles to stay informed on all things co-parenting.

Are you considering co-parenting through a sperm donation? Get in touch with other copadres and comadres in the Copping Community!

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