We asked the AI Chat GPT about co-parenting

Decidimos inscribirnos en el IA Chat GPT para poder realizarle algunas preguntas relacionadas con la coparentalidad.

14 Apr · Co-parenting



As lately, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the order of the day and we like to keep up to date, we decided to sign up for the IA Chat GPT to be able to ask you some questions related to co-parenting.

We wanted to know what you would say about co-parenting and the new family models that are appearing in recent years, since both artificial intelligence and co-parenting are terms that have not been around for a long time and instead have the potential to change it. all.

What do we ask the IA Chat GPT?

The first question we asked was “What do you think about co-parenting?” To which he replied that being an artificial intelligence language model, he has no personal opinions or beliefs, but that he could provide us with information about co-parenting. Therefore he added:

“ Co-parenting can be a positive experience for both the children and the adults involved, as it allows sharing of responsibilities and resources.

However, co-parenting can also present challenges, especially if the adults involved have different parenting styles or communication styles. Effective communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to compromise are essential to successful co-parenting.

(…) Ultimately, the most important thing is to create a safe, stable and loving environment for children to grow and thrive.”

Therefore, we decided to ask him the following: “What are the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to parenthood?”

And the IA Chat GPT responded: “Parenting is a complex and dynamic process that involves a number of skills and responsibilities. Here are some of the most important things to keep in mind when parenting:

  • Love and Support: Children thrive when they feel safe, loved, and valued by their parents.
  • Consistency and limits: Parents must establish clear rules and consequences, and follow them consistently.
  • Communication: Parents should actively listen, give feedback, and encourage their children to express themselves.
  • Positive Role Models: Parents are role models for their children and should strive to model positive behaviors and values.
  • Empathy and Understanding: Parents should strive to be empathetic and understanding, even when they disagree with their child's choices or actions.
  • Encouragement and Support of Independence: As children grow and develop, it is important for parents to encourage their independence and support their efforts to learn and grow.
  • Discipline: Discipline is an important part of parenting, but it must be done firmly but fairly, avoiding physical punishment.
  • Time and attention: Spending time with children and paying attention to them is important to building strong relationships and helping them feel valued and supported.

Once we had this response from the IA Chat GPT, it was clear to us. The only difference between the traditional family and a coparental relationship lies in the emotional bond of the couple. In other words, when talking about co-parenting, the difficulty of sharing a vision on the teaching and education of the boy or girl in question is usually highlighted, but the reality is that even in affective relationships there are different points of view and abilities in which work together when creating a family.

It would also be interesting to add that all those skills that the IA Chat GPT offers us about good parenting can be exercised in the same way in a non-traditional family.

Finally, we wanted to ask the following question to the IA Chat GPT: "What are the main benefits of co-parenting?" We add the answer below:

“Some of the benefits of healthy and effective co-parenting include:

  • Greater support for the child: When both parents are involved in the child's life, the child receives greater emotional, social, and financial support.
  • Stress reduction for parents: Sharing parenting responsibilities can reduce stress and workload, allowing parents more time and energy to focus on other areas of their lives.
  • Promotion of gender equality: Co-parenting can help promote gender equality by sharing parenting responsibilities.
  • Increased stability for the child: Effective co-parenting can provide the child with a greater sense of stability and emotional security by having a positive relationship with both parents.
  • Increased Personal Satisfaction – Assisting in parenting can provide parents with increased personal satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment as they watch their children grow and develop in a loving and supportive environment.”

And from Copping we will only add that growing up in a coparenting relationship greatly encourages you to see the world and relationships from another, more modern point of view. Therefore, accustomed to being exposed to a "less normal" situation on a social level, you will have a greater capacity for mental abstraction and the ability to understand the world in a broader way. What has been, "have a more open mind."
